Case study: Angela Pickup

Angela Pickup, age 55, lives just outside York. Angela has three children aged 37, 34 and 16. Angela has been the Principal of Razzamataz York since April 2011.

Razzamataz Franchise Opportunity

Angela Pickup, age 55, lives just outside York. Angela has three children aged 37, 34 and 16. Angela has been the Principal of Razzamataz York since April 2011.

Q. How did you hear about Razzamataz?

Angela: My daughter attended another theatre school but I wasn’t particularly happy with it. I took her out believing that I could find another one because I was prepared to travel but I couldn’t find anything that combined dancing, singing and drama. I remembered Razzamataz from Dragons’ Den so looked on the website to see where our local one was. I was disappointed to see there wasn’t one anywhere nearby but I did read up about the franchise options.

After speaking to Denise and visiting her at Head Office, I made the immediate decision to buy a franchise. I could spot what a brilliant business model it was and knew it would benefit my daughter Holly.

Q. What’s your background?

Angela: I have held many senior positions in entertainment and leisure management.

Q. Have you always wanted to be an entrepreneur?

Angela: This is the first time I have run my own business and it is something I’ve always wanted to do. I wanted the flexibility to be able to spend more time with my family and not work the very long hours I have done in my previous positions.

Q. How did you finance your business?

Angela: Personal savings and a business loan

Q. What are the best things about being a Razzamataz Principal?

Angela: The buzz of seeing children progressing through fun and learning is incredibly satisfying.

Q. What are the most difficult aspects of running your own business?

Angela: In previous jobs I have always held senior positions so I’ve not had to deal with the administration side of things. Previously I’ve had a PA and IT department but today I have to do it all myself which can be frustrating if there is a problem but it is something that I’m getting used to.

Q. What advice can you offer other people going into business?

Angela: Be prepared to put in the hours because it such a learning curve especially in the beginning. Keep an eye on the competition, and keep ahead of trends to maintain the momentum, which is what will keep the students motivated.

Q. What’s a typical day like?

Angela: I now discipline myself to have a catch up day on Monday where I sort through all the admin from the weekend. I keep Tuesdays and Thursdays for planning and PR and obviously deal with emails and phone calls as and when they come in. I make sure I take off one other day in the week so I’m not working 24/7, which gives a good mix of work and play.

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Key Facts:

Franchise Opportunities available throughout the UK and Ireland, Master Licences available globally.
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Part time:
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BFA Membership:
Member - Expanding
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