My Window Cleaner lays out its plan to carry the business forward during the current crisis.
As Winston Churchill once said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste” and we are not.
In these unprecedented times, it’s what you can do, not what you can’t do, that will make the difference. A positive mental attitude is needed for sure; but if you have one, you are most of the way there already.
So, we had Gareth launch his business in Newport in February, or at least we tried to. Every week we had a marketing activity planned and every week it was storm this and storm that. We had to pull these activities, as we knew we were just not going to get the response & ROI that we wanted.
That did not stop Gareth and Ian pounding the streets and the team in the office pressing those keyboards! Off they went, canvassing, leafleting, placing adverts online, using Google-Ad words and paid for SEO around Gareth’s website page.
Do you know what happened? Gareth almost hit target for his first month (just under £900) and that was without any form of pre-launch formal marketing. A wonderful achievement, led by determination and a great attitude. Well-done Gareth.
Pictured below, Karen Prewer, our founder and MD, training Gareth on our IT system called Gloria.
We also have two new franchise partners joining us for our April training. No times of crisis are deterring them from starting a business. In fact, with the news as it is (Carphone warehouse placing 3,000 redundancies, etc.), taking your own future into your own hands is probably a very wise move. Better still, by investing in a franchise, you will stand a much better chance of success, given by the support & experience provided to you by a franchisor.
Names will be released, when their website pages go live in a few weeks time. However, the territories that they will provide service in are Bedford and Swindon. We are delighted that they are joining the team and look forward to working closely with them and to help them build their businesses in the years head.
Now, we normally hold our classroom training in Marbella, Spain. Obviously, this is not going to happen any time soon! But training commences and through Skype, TeamViewer and other online training aids, we can complete this section with our new franchise partners. Yes, the social interaction and “getting to know you” bit won’t happen, but I am sure we will make up for that at a later date.
With our IT system (Gloria, pictured below) we can operate the business and train new franchise partners from anywhere to anywhere. The companies that will suffer least out of the Coronavirus pandemic are those that use technology. Having just invested over £300,000 in Gloria, means that our technology and the subsequent customer experience & communication is better than ever & leagues above any competition. Our franchise owners can run their businesses, communicate with their customers and staff, from anywhere in the world.
Unless there is a total shutdown, we will still be providing service to our residential and commercial clients. The only service we will temporarily cease is the cleaning of inside windows at premises. Apart from that, it is business as normal (just with some extra hand gel and gloves!).
And, if there is a total shutdown for a few weeks, there is still plenty to do, to ensure that we hit the ground running when normality resumes. Whether it be planning future marketing campaigns, round planning, building density in selected areas, communicating and reassuring our customers, brushing up on Gloria or targeting future commercial clients, we will be productive.
Some additional news for you. Alan and Charlotte, our franchise partners in Canterbury, have just had their best revenue week and day. Having started 18 months ago, they are still continuing to break records and grow their business. With a record smashing £502 and 32 jobs in one day and a £496 day in the same week, led them onto an amazing £2,016 weekly record.
So, don’t let this crisis go to waste; make the most of it and come out the other side fitter, sharper and ready for business.
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- Available across the UK
- Franchise
- £8,000
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- 6 months
- 24
- 1996
- Yes
- Member - Expanding