"Hello, my name is Holly and I have worked with Snack Aid for nearly 3 years now. It is perfect for me as I compete around the world on my horses and this job gives me the flexibility to work part time around that. It's comforting knowing I have a wage to rely on when I’m away competing. I’m so proud to tell others the fantastic charity I work for and they are always so interested and want to know more about what I do. I’m a very outgoing person so this job is wonderful. I get to meet new people regularly and have built strong bonds with the people who kindly have my boxes in their hairdressers/pubs/children areas and so on. I’m so thankful for finding this great opportunity and I am proud and honoured to be associated with such a wonderful charity!"
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- Available across the UK
- Franchise
- £3,750
- Yes
- Yes
- No
- Yes