A Real Family Affair…

A Real Family Affair…

Since winning the ‘Most Promising Newcomer’ award at the Aspray National Conference in November 2019, Lindsey Joseph’s franchise business has gone from strength to strength.

Aspray Success Story Image

Now coming towards the end of her second year, Lindsey, owner of the Manchester Central franchise, has really made her business a family affair.

After her first year “exceeded in terms of business generation”, Lindsey knew it was time to invest in growth. Snapping up the opportunity to take on a second territory, Lindsey also took the decision to bring on her nephew, Benjamin, in a Loss Assessing role, providing an extra pair of hands on the ground to deal with the increasing volume of customers.

When her sister, Tracy, was made redundant during the pandemic, Lindsey knew this could only be a good thing for her. “I was just over the moon because she is perfect. She is very, very thorough, very methodical and very organised, so she is a perfect fit.”

Looking onwards and upwards, Lindsey said, “I’ve not recruited them because they were my family, I would have recruited them anyway. Now that Benjamin and Tracy have joined the company, we have a good team to move the business forward.”

Moving at a Fast Pace

Lindsey has seen fantastic growth in a short period of time but advises she lets the flow of the business guide her. “It’s like being on the generation game, when they play the game where they keep the plates spinning. It’s very fast moving.”

Attributing the success to the help and support that has been provided by the team at Aspray Head Office, Lindsey says: “The support has been excellent, I can’t fault it. With Aspray the support is always there.

Aspray as a whole looked at how they could help me. Bobby [Aspray Claims Manager] was absolutely brilliant, he was my sort of, “go-to” person in terms of the claims perspective and still is on the technical side of things.

National Network Support Manager, Anthony Baddeley, has also been a massive support to my business. His technical expertise on scoping and drying has definitely enhanced our profit margins.”

Pleasing Policyholders

A true reflection of the great work Lindsey and her team are doing is shown in the many 5-star customer reviews they have achieved. They even won the prize for most reviews gained for the month of April, beating franchisees across the UK, something Lindsey attributes solely to Benjamin and Tracy who worked hard engaging clients to leave a review.

Perfect – thanks so much. Lyndsay and her team took on a nightmare of a Flooding Insurance Claim in my rental apartment. They dealt with the Insurer and organised Tradespeople to get this done. I honestly could not have done it without them. – Andy G, 5-star review

Looking to the Future

As Lindsey begins the third year of her franchise her main focus is to increase the volume of leads, something she is very prepared to handle with the fantastic, family team she has built. We’re looking forward to seeing what the next two years will bring for this expanding franchise.

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