New Home Care Provider For The Merseyside Area

David Richards, new franchisee and Managing Director of Caremark (Sefton), is busy preparing for his CQC interview to obtain registration with the Care Quality Commission, which, once obtained will allow Caremark (Sefton) to provide care and support services to adults in the Merseyside area. Preparations for the business launch are on-going, with a final date to be announced once registration of the business with the CQC has been awarded.




David Richards was amongst the November group of franchisees who successfully completed their initial franchisee training at Caremark’s Central Support offices in West Sussex, prior to completing their initial business planning and moving ultimately to their launch date.

Initially, Caremark (Sefton) will be providing care and support services to older people in the Merseyside area, with a view to obtaining further CQC registration to deliver Childrens’ services.

Caremark provide care and support to all individuals, across all ages, ethnicities and abilities, as



well as offering re-ablement services and end of life care.  The increasing need for high quality, professional 24 hour care and support has seen last year, the launch of Caremark’s Live-in service – Habito.

Alongside that, Caremark also offers Specific Services provision, aimed at supporting those with Learning Disabilities and Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

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Key Facts:

Available across the UK
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Part time:
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BFA Membership:
Member - Established
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