SmartPA newsletter July 2016

Welcome to July’s Smart News! As usual, there’s been plenty going on at SmartPA, including an appearance on Good Morning Britain and numerous Partner business launches. Read all about it and more below…


SmartPA on Good Morning Britain

Following the EU Referendum result, SmartPA co-founder Sarra Bejaoui was invited onto Good Morning Britain by Lorraine Kelly to deliver her verdict on the outcome. 

SmartPA's Gloria Adebo withYoussef

Celebrating Success: Gloria Adebo

Last month, SmartPA Partner Gloria Adebo attended her first networking exhibition, The Ultimate Business Show, held at the AECC in Aberdeen. Organised by the Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce, the sell-out show welcomed local businesses to showcase their products and services.

With some of Aberdeen’s highest profile businesses in attendance, Gloria successfully made key sales contacts and increased SmartPA brand awareness. In fact, she is now in talks to support two leading organisations from the event with SmartPA’s world-class services. Congratulations Gloria!

SmartPA's Partner Launches

Lift Off: Partner Launches

We kicked off the second half of 2016 spectacularly with 8 SmartPA Partner business launches. Congratulations to Carina, Fiona, Claire, Lynne, Dominique, Candice, Julie and Julia on their launches and the success they have achieved so far. Most of them already have clients through networking or SmartPA’s promissory Bonus client. We’ll be keeping you updated with their progress over the coming months so stay tuned!

Flags of Great Britain and the EU

EU Referendum: What Next?

The result of June’s EU Referendum has left many people asking questions and wondering what this means for SmartPA. At Head Office, we are confident that this won’t have an effect on our business or our Partners. As a global business, SmartPA are already succeeding in International markets which we plan to continue through further growth.

A SmartPA Franchise is completely mobile, meaning that no matter where our Partners are in the world, they can take their business with them. SmartPA’s commitment to each Partner also remains the same, offering expert support, technology and training, as well as guaranteed clients and paid work from Head Office.

Pool and pool toy

Top Tips: Out-of-Office

Whilst we all look forward to going on holiday, the run up to annual leave can be stressful and overwhelming. Sound familiar? We’ve put together our 10 Out-of-Office Tips to ensure that you can jet off, stress free!

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