""I am currently working as a teacher, but I am also very interested in using the skills I am developing to build my own business, I knew the longer I left it, the more difficult it would become. I was speaking to a friend who runs their own business and they confirmed what I was feeling at the time, launching a business while working as a teacher would be very difficult and very risky, they then suggested looking at the franchising option. Learn Play Grow had a very strong reputation in the Ipswich area, it also included many of the child development components I was interested in, so I contacted the head office for a prospectus and more information. Anna Severino, the LPG National Development Manager followed up the pack with a phone call, and I must say that this was a very positive experience. Anna just outlined in a very clear and concise fashion, what Learn Play Grow included in the programme, why it was so successful and how she felt I would be perfect as an LPG owner. Since signing the contract I have thrown myself into my business, still keeping my career as a teacher, I deliver some of the schedule myself, and the ones I don’t, I have a coaching team who do these for me. The online management system is simply world class, my fiancée is also very interested in business and this has become a great opportunity for us to work together on a mutual interest, he focuses on this management side and it works very well for us.""
Melanie (Ipswich)
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- Available across the UK
- Franchise
- £14,000
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes