""My journey to becoming an LPG owner is not a typical one! I applied for the manager’s role running an LPG territory in London for an investor, but Nino suggested I considered actually becoming an LPG owner. The more I got involved with the Learn Play Grow family, the more I realised what a fantastic business opportunity it was, and it was this that motivated me to make a big decision. I spoke to Nino the LPG owner and explained that I was very interested in taking the next step and owning my own LPG business, he recommended a territory that he thought would work, I discussed this with the LPG franchisee owner I worked for, and he was very supportive of my ambitions. I have worked in the fitness industry for quite a few years now, and got a good reputation through my work, which led to having a number of high profile celebrities in my portfolio. My passion is working with young children, and this is the opportunity that Learn Play Grow gives me. I am especially interested in the LPG Party package, it’s very professional and extremely high quality, which means it represents itself very strongly in the market place. I think I have a very positive personality which I think my party clients really appreciate, the party consultancy side is an area of the business I really love, it gives me a chance to work with parents very closely to professionally design and develop a party for one of the most precious people in their lives. My aim is to develop my business so it becomes one of the most successful LPG businesses at running and delivering the party package.""
Nicola (Romford)
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- Available across the UK
- Franchise
- £14,000
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes